Erasmus School of Economics

Modern Multidimensional Scaling

Logo Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

laatste wijziging: 7-3-2007

Data sets for Chapter 22

  1. Handicaps

1. Handicaps

Description file, Raw data, Excel file, SPSS data file.

Title: Handicaps

Source: Dunn-Rankin, Knezek, Wallace, and Zhang (2004)

Description: Ratings of five persons on the similarity of four
handicaps: Learning Disability (LD), Mental Retardation (MR), Deafness
(D), and Blindness (B).

The rows have following interpretation:

Row Person Handicap
1 1 LD
2 1 MR
3 1 D
4 1 B
5 2 LD
6 2 MR
7 2 D
8 2 B
9 3 LD
10 3 MR
11 3 D
12 3 B
13 4 LD
14 4 MR
15 4 D
16 4 B
17 5 LD
18 5 MR
19 5 D
20 5 B